Past Issues - Vol. 5 , No. 2, July - December 2009
Al-Shifa Journal of Ophthalmology
Editorial: Adjustable suture strabismus surgery: Procedure of choice
Sorath Noorani Siddiqui, FCPS, Clinical Fellow Pediatric
Ophthalmology and Strabismus
The role of circadian intraocular pressure and blood pressure variations in stability of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma
Mohannad Albdour, M.D, JBO
Intraocular and blood pressures of 38 glaucoma subjects were evaluated for 24 hours. The mean 24-hour fluctuation in IOP was 8.88 mmHg (p < 0.0001) with an upward trend during the night. IOPs measured in the supine position
were an average of 2.78 mmHg higher than measurements made in the sitting position at the same time (p <0.0001).
The outcomes of horizontal strabismus surgery
Abdul Mannan Sikder, Md. Didarul Alam
62 patients were enrolled in the study at Chittagong, Bangladesh among which 29 (46.8%) had esotropia and 33 (53.2%) cases had exotropia. The overall success rate was 62.9% (39/62). The success rate in the esotropic group was 65.5% and in the exotropic group was 60.6%.
Correlation between central corneal thickness and endothelial cell density in non-glaucomatous pseudoexfoliative eyes – a comparative study
Muhammad Ashraf FCPS, Mohammad Siddique FCPS, Amtul Aziz DOMS.
Forty eyes of forty subjects with Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (Group A) and forty eyes of forty age-matched subjects without PXS (Group B) underwent non-contact specular microscopy to get data about CCT and ECD. CCT in group A was significantly lower than group B (484.68 + 19.727 Vs 500.25 + 24.777 µm, p= 0.003). ECD in group A was significantly lower than in group B (2124.60 + 251.818 Vs 2431.43 + 224.820 cells/mm2, p<0.000).
Visual outcome in strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia after patching therapy
Mohammad Ansar FCPS, FRCS, Mubashar Jalis MCPS, FCPS, Imran Azam Butt DOMS, FCPS.
This hospital based prospective interventional study was conducted on 50 amblyopic children who underwent patching therapy. 15 (30%) patients had purely strabismic amblyopia, 22 (44%) patients had mixed amblyopia while 13 (26%) patients had purely refractive amblyopia. After treatment 39 (78%) patients achieved the level of successful visual acuity.
A review of 100 cases of ocular trauma admitted in eye ward. Presentation, management and visual outcome
Muhammad Younis Tahir FCPS, Rao Muhammad Rashad Qamar FCPS, FRCS, Ejaz Latif FCPS.
This hospital based study was conducted in eye department of Bahawal- Victoria Hospital from August 2007 to August 2009. Majority (32%) of cases were between 21-30 years of age. Open globe type injury was most common in 73% of admitted cases. Most tears were corneal (46%) while 26% cases had intraocular foreign bodies. Despite of treatment, 12% eyes lost total vision.